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ENSAINS JOURNAL merupakan media penyebarluasan informasi hasil pemikiran dari peneliti dan praktisi yang memuat seluruh bidang penelitian yang bersifat umum. Jurnal ini diterbitkan Tiga kali dalam setahun oleh LPPM UNIVERSITAS KEBANGSAAN.
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ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 3 (2019): ENSAINS Journal September 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i3.286


Abstract: This study departs from the curiosity of the author relating to the interaction of two people who have physical or mental deficiencies in this case namely deaf children and mentally retarded children. The purpose of this study are: 1. To find out how social interactions between mentally retarded and deaf children 2. To find out how social interactions between mentally retarded children and deaf children with their classroom teachers. 3. To find out what efforts are made by classroom teachers to increase social interaction with mentally retarded and deaf children. In general, this study aims to analyze or examine the causes of the lack of interaction of deaf students with mentally retarded students at SLBN Cinta Asih Soreang. Supporting factors Interpersonal communication between mentally retarded children and deaf children is a state of the environment and daily needs. They can communicate through symbols and oral or movements in the mouth as well as self-taught gestures. Although mentally retarded children have an IQ below the average, they can use sign language to communicate with deaf children. Besides they were taught by their class teachers to sign language they also learned to adjust their circumstances and needs so that they could use self-taught sign language or mutually agreed upon but incompatible languages in a large dictionary of sign language. As what Herbert Blumer said, the 3 main principles in the theory of symbolic interaction are meaning, which means the meanings are formed and modified through interpretative processes carried out by humans. Then language or related to language, Mead stated that in social life and communication between humans it is only possible to occur if we understand and use a common language. And finally, the basic thought of thinking is language, namely a mental process of converting meaning, names, and symbol.Keywords: Interpersonal Communication, Deafness and Deafness, SLBAbstrak: Penelitian ini berangkat dari keingintahuan penulis berkaitan dengan interaksi dua orang yang mempunyai kekurangan secara fisik maupun secara mental dalam hal ini yaitu anak tunarungu dan anak tunagrahita. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah:1.Untuk mengetahui bagaiamana interaksi sosial antara anak tunagrahita dan tunarungu 2. Untuk mengetahui Bagaimana Interaksi sosial antara anak tunagrahita dengan anak tunarungu dengan guru kelasnya. 3. Untuk mengetahui Apa Upaya yang dilakukan Guru kelas untuk meningkatkan interaksi sosial dengan anak tunagrahita dan tunarungu. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis atau meneliti  penyebab kurangnya interaksi siswa tunarungu dengan siswa tunagrahita di SLBN Cinta Asih Soreang. Faktor pendukung Komunikasi antar pribadi antara anak tunagrahita dengan anak tunarungu adalah keadaan lingkungan dan kebutuhan sehari – hari. Mereka dapat berkomunikasi melalui simbol – simbol dan oral atau gerakan pada mulut  juga gerak tubuh secara otodidak. Meskipun anak tunagrahita memiliki IQ dibawah rata – rata namun mereka bisa menggunakan bahasa isyarat untuk berkomunikasi dengan anak tunarungu. Selain mereka diajarkan oleh guru kelasnya untuk berbahasa isyarat mereka juga belajar menyesuaikan keadaan dan kebutuhannya sehigga mereka bisa menggunakan bahasa isyarat secara otodidak atau bahasa yang disepakati bersama namun tidak sesuai dalam kamus besar bahasa isyarat. Seperti apa yang diucapkan Herbert blumer bahwa 3 prinsip utama dalam teori interaksi simbolik adalah meaning yang artinya Makna dibentuk dan dimodifikasi melalui proses interpretatif yang dilakukan oleh manusia. Kemudian language atau Terkait dengan bahasa, Mead menyatakan bahwa dalam kehidupan sosial dan komunikasi antar manusia hanya mungkin dapat terjadi jika kita memahami dan menggunakan sebuah bahasa yang sama.dan terakhir yaitu thought dasar dari pemikiran adalah bahasa yaitu suatu proses mental mengkonversi makna, nama, dan simbol.Kata Kunci: Komunikasi  Antarpribadi, Tunagrahita dan Tunarungu, SLB
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 3 (2019): ENSAINS Journal September 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i3.288


Abstrak: Di zaman yang serba modern seperti sekarang ini kebutuhan akan data dan informasi sangatlah penting, hal ini karena semakin pesatnya perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Dari mulai pebisnis(pengusaha), pegawai negeri atau swasta pendidik, sosialis, agamis, pelajar baik itu mahasiswa, anak sekolah menengah atas (SMA), sekolah menengah umum (SMP), bahkan sampai kepada tingkat anak sekolah dasar (SD), semuanya tak luput dari kebutuhan akan informasi atau data.Seiring dengan berkembang pesatnya dunia teknologi dan komunikasi, pencarian data yang di gunakan untuk mencari informasi atau data pun semakin modern salah satunya dengan menggunakan internet. Sekarang bagaimana jika sumber data yang kita gunakan itu tidak memberikan data yang benar-benar akurat dan dapat di pertanggung jawabkan kebenarannya? Apakah semua informasi dan data yang di peroleh dari internet benar-benar akurat? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas maka penulis melakukan penelitian tentang sejauh mana ketidakakuratan data dari internet. Hal ini dilakukan semata-mata untuk memberikan pemahaman tentantang keakuratan data dan mencegah terjadinya kesalahan data yang beruntun yang selanjutnya dapat menjadikan pemahaman-pemahaman  yang salah dan menyimpang baik itu dari norma hukum ataupun dari norma agama.Kata kunci : data, informasi, keakuratan data dan kualitas dataAbstract: In such a modern age where the need or  necessity of data and information are very important, it is caused by the fast growing science and technology. Businessmen/women, civil servants, teacher, social, religious matter, students of elementary to university are inevitable of data and information needsWhile the fast growing science and technology goes on, data searching used to get information and data get more modern, internet facility is one of them. The question is what would happen if the data we used is not accurate? Is every information and data in we find in internet accurate? To answer the questions above, writer does the research on how accurate and inaccurate the data in internet. It is carried out to  raise understanding more on the accurateness of data and avoid of sequent inaccurate data to lead to misunderstanding and breaks law and norm or religion.Key words: data, information, accurateness, and data quality
IDENTIFIKASI JALUR PEDESTRIAN DI SEPANJANG KORIDOR JALAN CIBADAK KOTA BANDUNG Haris Hardiansyah; Karto Wijaya; Yudi Ariyanto; Yusuf Septian; Rochmanijar Setiady
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 3 (2019): ENSAINS Journal September 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1716.818 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i3.297


Abstract:. Along the street, Cibadak is lined with shops that sell various kinds of needs, ranging from kitchen needs, shop needs, bathroom needs, paper needs, baby clothes needs, school supplies, children's toys, plastic, office stationery and even knick-knacks for the wedding ceremony there. If Cibadak Road wants to be a central trade tool - equipment needs, there must be a change in the arrangement of the road corridor so that visitors feel comfortable to walk in the pedestrian area. while the structuring target is on pedestrian arrangement and parking area on the road. why is this because the Cibadak road area has always been a shopping center for necessities, and this is the potential for a city to increase revenue in the micro business sector, this arrangement aims to apply the pedestrian mall concept principle, then the pedestrian mall type that can be applied to The Cibadak road area is a full pedestrian mall type. The application of the full pedestrian mall is focused on improving and improving the identity and quality of the Road Area through Pedestrian rearrangement and parking areas.Keyword: Pedestrian, corridor, land useAbstrak: Di sepanjang jalan Cibadak ini berjajar toko-toko yang menjual berbagai macam kebutuhan, mulai dari kebutuhan dapur, kebutuhan warung, kebutuhan kamar mandi, kebutuhan kertas, kebutuhan pakaian bayi, perlengkapan sekolah, mainan anak, plastik, alat tulis kantor dan bahkan pernak-pernik untuk seserahan pernikahan ada di sana. Jika Jalan Cibadak Ingin Menjadi sentral perdangangan alat - alat kebutuhan maka haruslah ada perubahan pada penataan koridor jalan supaya pengunjung merasa nyaman untuk berjalan di area pedestrian. adapun sasaran penataan adalah pada penataan pedestrian dan area parkir pada jalan mengapa demikian karena area jalan cibadak sejak dulu memang menjadi pusat perbelanjaan alat - alat kebutuhan,dan ini adalah potensi bagi sebuah kota untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dalam bidang usaha mikro, penataan ini bertujuan untuk penerapan Prinsip konsep pedestrian mall, maka tipe pedestrian mall yang dapat diterapkan pada Area jalan cibadak adalah tipe full pedestrian mall. Penerapan full pedestrian mall ini Difokuskan pada perbaikan dan peningkatan identitas dan kualitas Area Jalan melalui penataan ulang Pedestrian dan area parkir.Kata Kunci: Pedestrian, Koridor, tata guna lahan
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 3 (2019): ENSAINS Journal September 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i3.295


Abstract:. Copper deposits have been obtained by the electrolysis method using copper sulfate and sulfuric acid. The effect of copper concentration and current density on the surface morphology of copper deposits and current efficiency have been studied. The variation of copper concentration is 0.04 M and 0.8 M and the variation of current density is 2-8 A/dm2. The copper deposits will be photographed macro, weighed and characterized by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to determine the surface morphology of deposits and Energy-Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) to determine the chemical composition of deposits. The surface morphology of copper deposits in the form of compact and without nodules was reached at copper concentration is 0.8 M and the current density is 2 A/dm2 with the average of current efficiency is 96%.Keyword: Electrodeposition, copper, morphology, compact, current efficiency Abstrak: Endapan tembaga telah dihasilkan dengan metode elektrolisis menggunakan bahan tembaga sulfat dan asam sulfat. Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh konsentrasi tembaga dan rapat arus terhadap morfologi permukaan endapan tembaga dan efisiensi arus. Variasi konsentrasi tembaga adalah 0,04 M dan 0,8 M sedangkan variasi rapat arus adalah 2-8 A/dm2. Endapan tembaga yang dihasilkan akan difoto makro, ditimbang berat lapisannya dan diuji karakteristiknya dengan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) untuk mengetahui detail morfologi permukaan endapan dan Energy-Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) untuk mengetahui komposisi kimia endapan. Morfologi permukaan endapan tembaga berbentuk compact dan tanpa nodul tercapai pada kondisi konsentrasi Cu 0,8 M dan rapat arus 2 A/dm2 dengan efisiensi arus mencapai rata-rata 96%.Kata Kunci: Elektrodeposisi, tembaga, morfologi, compact, efisiensi arus
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 3 (2019): ENSAINS Journal September 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i3.294


Abstract: There is a real challenge to work measurement. The behaviour of human beings, the synergy between people and machines, the dynamics of labor management relation, and the limitation of commodnly used measurement system, interact to create a system which defies success. Motion study is a method to analyse every ineffective and insignificant work motions became the betier ways such as effective and efficient eork motions. These funfamental work motions called by THERBLIG, there are only seventeen work motions of therbligs such as search. Select, Grasp,Transport Empty, Transport Loaded, Hold Release Load, Position, Pre Position, Pre Position Inspection, Assemble, Dissasembly, Use Unavoidable Delays, Avoidble Delay, Plan, Rest to Overcome Fatigue Result of this research presents that the proposed of left and right hand chart has work motions more e Fiective and more efficient than the existing of lefnd right hand chart.Key Words : motion study and THERBLIG
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 3 (2019): ENSAINS Journal September 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i3.290


Abstract: The role of the university in motivating students to become young entrepreneurs is very important in an effort to grow the number of entrepreneurs. In an effort to increase student motivation for entrepreneurship, many factors must be considered by the institution. The Faculty of Economics of the University of Nurtanio in this case carried out a beanchmarking with BINUS University which has succeeded in printing young entrepreneurs. The main factor that must be considered is the application of entrepreneurial curriculum learning models that are in accordance with the references of the Higher Education. The purpose of this study is to find out how the learning model has been applied at the current University of Nurtanio, how the learning model applied by BINUS University as a reference institution and how the learning model proposed by researchers to be applied at the Faculty of Economics, University of Nurtanio and what improvements will be made by the University of Nurtanio.Keywords: motivation, entrepreneurship, learning modelAbstract: The role of the university in motivating students to become young entrepreneurs is very important in an effort to grow the number of entrepreneurs. In an effort to increase student motivation for entrepreneurship, many factors must be considered by the institution. The Faculty of Economics of the University of Nurtanio in this case carried out a beanchmarking with BINUS University which has succeeded in printing young entrepreneurs. The main factor that must be considered is the application of entrepreneurial curriculum learning models that are in accordance with the references of the Higher Education. The purpose of this study is to find out how the learning model has been applied at the current University of Nurtanio, how the learning model applied by BINUS University as a reference institution and how the learning model proposed by researchers to be applied at the Faculty of Economics, University of Nurtanio and what improvements will be made by the University of Nurtanio.Keywords: motivation, entrepreneurship, learning model
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 3 (2019): ENSAINS Journal September 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7.778 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i3.260


Abstract: The revolution of the industry has changed in many sectors including in Educations Field. There are generations gap that exist in higher education’s live. In the university environment there are relationships between lecturers and students. This Research aims to know what the lecturer should know about communication for class management for university level in the perspective of digital native as the students. This research used qualitative research by doing interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to digital native who are study in university which based on ICT in Bandung and Jakarta.  The result show that the class management is not only what to do while the class activity but also it should be prepare before the class management. It is not only the material but also the personality of the lecturer itself. Today, the digital natives seek the information about their lecturer in social media. It becomes important thing to do because it can also bring positive effect for the relationship building. Furthermore, the personality today becomes communication. In the class management must be prepared before the class, there are preparation, personality development and knowledge development. On The class development there is a important thing that is motivation that should be built by interaction and communication between lecturer and students. Keyword: Communications, Class Management, Communication Competence
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 3 (2019): ENSAINS Journal September 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i3.292


Abstract: The increasing interest of urban communities to tour the slopes has resulted in the development of tourist areas, especially in the area of increased slopes. Like the tourist area of Lembang Bandung which has a tourist concept in the slope area. However, it is not only the beauty factor that is prioritized, but also the safe factors of the slope stability in the slope area are considered by the community. One form of anticipation towards the safe factor slope stability that can be applied is one of them is the application of soil nailing. The soil nailing method is currently highly developed, there are various methods of work on Soil Nailing. The work method of soil nailing applied to the Lembang Bandung tourist area project is a soil nailing method that uses bamboo material as nails and wire as a soil coating, then finishing by a cement mixture with the application of rough stucco technique. The nails material that is generally used is concrete iron, but this time bamboo material was chosen as a nails because the availability of bamboo material around the Lembang area of Bandung is quite large so the price is quite cheap. By replacing the Ø 10 mm concrete iron material into bamboo Ø 7-10 cm as nails, then the cost that can be cut reaches Rp. 73,014 / m² or the efficiency achieved is ± 35,7%, of course, by not overriding the function and strength of the soil nailing.Keywords : soil nailing, bamboo, soilAbstrak: Meningkatnya minat masyarakat urban untuk berwisata di kawasan lereng mengakibatkan pembangunan kawasan wisata terutama di kawasan lereng meningkat. Seperti halnya kawasan wisata Lembang Bandung yang memiliki konsep wisata di kawasan lereng. Namun, tidak hanya faktor keindahan saja yang diutamakan tetapi juga safe factor dari slope stability di kawasan lereng tersebut menjadi pertimbangan masyarakat. Bentuk antisipasi terhadap safe factor slope stability yang dapat diterapkan adalah salah satunya dengan penerapan soil nailing. Metode soil nailing saat ini sangat berkembang, terdapat berbagai macam metoda kerja pada Soil Nailing. Metode kerja soil nailing yang diterapkan pada proyek kawasan wisata Lembang Bandung ini adalah metode soil nailing yang menggunakan material bambu sebagai nails dan ram kawat sebagai pelapis tanah, kemudian finishing oleh campuran semen dengan aplikasi teknik kamprot kasar. Material nails yang pada umumnya digunakan adalah besi beton, namun kali ini dipilihnya material bambu sebagai nails karena ketersediaan material bambu di sekitar kawasan Lembang Bandung yang cukup banyak sehingga harganya cukup murah. Dengan mengganti material besi beton Ø 10 mm menjadi bambu Ø 7-10 cm sebagai nails, maka biaya yang dapat dipangkas mencapai Rp. 73.014/m² atau efisiensi yang tercapai sebesar ± 35,7 % tentunya dengan tidak mengesampingkan fungsi dan kekuatan dari soil nailing tersebut.Kata kunci : soil nailing, bambu, tanah
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 3 (2019): ENSAINS Journal September 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i3.284


Abstract:. The development of information and communication technology in the digital era has affected behaviors of society, including in the field of education. The development of information and communication technology, commonly referred as ICT (Information and Communication of Technology) it is currently increasingly encouraging efforts to adapt for using technology in teaching and learning process, with such conditions, making the lecturers / teachers are required to be able to use technology well without abandoning their communication skills as lecturers in learning process. This situation was also created due to the process of industrial revolution in various sectors of life so that transformed the world of education, including changing the process of forming and maintening relationships between lecturers and students. In this study, researchers will conduct this research to students of generation Z from the field of science-social science that generally covers the fields of communication, management, and applied science. Researchers conducted research on socio-science students because students from the scientific family had a tendency to use the right brain predominantly in their daily activities and researchers would also use the approach through a literature review of the Rhetorical Theory carried out by Aristotle and the use of Rhetoric on lecturers in digital era. By doing this research, researchers will try to change the communication process to lecturers to students of Z generation in the digital era.Keyword: Communication, Aristotelian Rethoric, Digital Era
ANALISIS LAJU DEGRADASI RHODAMINE B (RhB) PADA PROSES FOTOKATALISIS TiO2 Yesi Aristanti; Nurahmah Minandar; Marliani Marliani; Syoni Soepriyanto
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 3 (2019): ENSAINS Journal September 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i3.293


Abstract:. The photocatalysis of TiO2 process occurs due to electrons transition in the valence band are excited to the conduction band when light hitting of TiO2 surface having greater energy than the bandgap energy. Rhodamine B (RhB) as a test solution is used to measure the degradation rate and photocatalytic efficiency of Anatase TiO2 (TiO2 A), mixture of Anatase and Rutile TiO2 (TiO2 Ar), Merck Anatase TiO2 (TiO2 M) and mixture of Merck and Rutile Anatase TiO2 (TiO2 Mr). The variables used were solid percent TiO2 (0%; 0.1%; 0.2%; 0.3% and 0.4%), the concentration of the test solution (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 ppm) and the solar radiation time (30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 minutes). The results got showed that TiO2 A had the highest degradation rate among other TiO2 of 0.0087/minute and the highest photocatalysis efficiency was TiO2 M at 75% solid variable, TiO2 A at a variable concentration of test solution and radiation time respectively 83% and 71%.Keyword: TiO2, photocatalysis, rhodamine B.Abstrak: Proses fotokatalisis TiO2 terjadi karena elektron yang berada pada pita valensi tereksitasi ke pita konduksi akibat dari cahaya yang mengenai permukaan TiO2 memiliki energi lebih besar dibandingkan energi celah pitanya. Rhodamine B (RhB) digunakan sebagai larutan uji untuk mengukur laju degradasi dan efisiensi fotokatalisis TiO2 Anatase (TiO2 A), TiO2 campuran Anatase dan Rutile (TiO2 Ar), TiO2 Anatase Merck (TiO2 M) dan TiO2 campuran Anatase Merck dan Rutile (TiO2 Mr). Variabel yang digunakan adalah persen solid TiO2 (0%; 0,1%; 0,2%; 0,3% dan 0,4%) konsentrasi larutan uji (5, 10, 15, 20 dan 25 ppm) serta waktu radiasi matahari (30, 60, 90, 120 dan 150 menit). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa TiO2 A memiliki laju degradasi paling tinggi diantara TiO2 lainnya sebesar 0,0087/menit dan efisiensi fotokatalisis tertinggi yakni TiO2 M pada peubah persen solid sebesar 75%, TiO2 A pada peubah konsentrasi larutan uji dan waktu radiasi masing-masing sebesar 83% dan 71%.Kata Kunci: TiO2, fotokatalisis, rhodamin B.

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